Om Blake
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist CSCS (NSCA); EXOS XPS Performance Specialist and Level 1&2 Mentorship; Corrective Exercise Specialist CES (NASM), Certified Functional Strength Coach CFSC (Michael Boyle)
Training Philosophy:
That performance is for everyone because at its basic level it is simply increasing quality of life. For athletes and non-athletes alike, this journey has endless paths to navigate so you get to the desired outcome. (Side point...there are very few BAD exercises, but plenty of poor application of them)
Athletic inspired strength and conditioning for all levels
Personal facts:
I sell my face for money to brands
Favorite exercise:
anything rhythmic and in movement (multidirectional strength and speed work)
Least favorite exercise:
front squats
Favorite guilty food pleasure:
fresh, warm homemade bolle